

Dec 21 2011

24th Week

The dark side of the moon

Okay it’s once again picture time. This time of the Senso-ji-Temple in Tokyo also shot in late September. When walking through the temple complex there a woman asked me if her little daughter – maybe five perhaps six years young – might ask me some questions. So I bent down to her.

“Hello what is your name?”, she asked me in her best English.

“Where are you from?” …

“How old are you?” …

That was one of the cutest experiences I have had so far here in Japan. I think it’s a pretty cool mother who uses her time to go on the hunt for native speakers to provide her little offspring with a good language education.

I guess they were a bit disappointed that I am from Germany, because when I gave the mother my email address and asked her to send me the photos she took of me together with her daughter I never received them :(

What happened here in Manza meanwhile? We had a total lunar eclipse. Okay lunar eclipses are not as rare as sun eclipses. But if you have the fortune to enjoy this while sitting in an open air onsen high in the mountains with a crystal clear sky together with a cold beer I guess one can say it’s something special…

Next week the last bunch of Tokyo pics from September. Before I will jump back to Manza region with it’s already snow covered mountains.

Special thanks to: Hubertus Neidhart from Webspace Provider Network for excellent web page hosting services; Natalie Canham, UK (proofreading); Lilith Pendzich;

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