

Dec 26 2011

26th Week

Merry Christmas!

The last Christmas holiday and then it will already be over again :( I hope everybody enjoyed the time and had a nice Christmas.

So I will start updating the blog this week. Since this is quite a lot of work it might take one or two weeks. Following will be improved:

The page will receive an index.

Posts will be extended by more useful links for tourists, people who also want to do working holiday in Japan or for those who are simply interested in Japan and its culture.

Also older entries will be enhanced by photos and – depending on how much time I will have for it – also by some films. Of course it will also be listed in the latest entry under which post you will find the new media.


Some enhancements have already been made.

  • 25th week: the pictures of the added photo gallery received subtitles and descriptions.
  • Break in style: photos of Moscow have been added. (Subtitles and descriptions will follow)
  • 16th week: photos of the Tokyo Gameshow have been added.
  • 12th week: photos from the Fuji San hiking tour have been added.

Special thanks to: Hubertus Neidhart fromĀ Webspace Provider Network for excellent web page hosting services; Lilith Pendzich;

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