

Apr 22 2012

43rd Week

Work in Progress

The route of my bicycle trip through South Korea and Japan is planned. I’d like you to know the mayor cities and the time table. The smaller cities in between (not listed) can vary. And sometimes there will be even road forks and you can vote which one I shall take.

South Korea

May 25th Seoul

May 28th Chungju

May 30th Kumi

June 1st Daegu

June 8th Pusan


June 13th Hiroshima

June 23rd Kobe

June 24th Osaka

July 2nd Kyoto

July 10th Nagoya

July 17th Matsumoto

July 28th Nikko

August 1st Fukushima

August 4th Sendai

August 16th Towada lake

August 18th Tomakomai

August 20th Sapporo


As for the blog… A new domain for the page about the bicycle trip has been registered. I think I found a pun which is easy to remember. As as I will cycle through Japan and this will also be my good bye to Japan after all I mixed the English word to CYCLE with the Japanese word for saying good bye: SAYONARA. The results are:


www.cyclonara.de (German)


www.cyclonara.eu (English)

I haven’t decided yet whether to add the content of this blog to the new one or start a complete new blog. What do you think I should do? I’m happy about any comment.

Special thanks to: Hubertus Neidhart fromĀ  Webspace Provider Network for excellent web page hosting services; Lilith Pendzich;

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