

May 11 2012

45th week

Crunch mode

I’m in crunch mode. Who already glanced at the German www.cyclonara.de page might have discovered that the contents about my stay in Japan have been transferred. With this post my blog moves and is turned into my blog about my bicycle trip. Well. Still three weeks to go. After my journey through South Korea the last remaining weeks of the whole year in Japan during the aftermath of Fukushima will follow then. Only the loyal readers know why it wasn’t possible to stay in Japan for a whole year.

In contrast to www.prototypetour.eu and .de www.cyclonara.eu and .de won’t be a pure video blog however the contents will be posted nearer the time.

Moreover the route has been extended. After I will have cycled through South Korea the trip will continue in Fukuoka and not as stated before in Hiroshima.

Within the next weeks the web page will receive further updates. So I apologize in advance for mainly posting news about the technical progress until the tour starts on 25thof May.

Special thanks to: Hubertus Neidhart from Webspace Provider Network for excellent web page hosting services; Lilith Pendzich;

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