

Aug 09 2011

the tenth week

They lost their hearts in India

Buddhist heart

Buddhist heart

Tukizi Hongangi Temple in Ginza, Tokyo

Tukizi Hongangi Temple in Ginza, Tokyo

Obon Festival part two. In week nine I showed you some photos of the Obon atmosphere. What I missed to catch so far were the dances linked to this tradition, and of course the kimonos. It’s time to present you some footage from the festival. One of Tokyo’s biggest Obon festival takes place in front of the Tukizi Hongangi Temple in Ginza, one of Tokyo city’s trendier districts. But when looking at this temple it does not really look like a Japanese one, hm? Right, it’s orientated to Indish architecture. Why? Because Buddhism simply originates from India. And this temple is an homage to it. But now enough with writing. Time to celebrate. Enjoy!

Tsukiji Hongwanji Bon Odori Dance Festivities von Daaaaaaaaaaaax



Obon Festival

Obon Festival

Kimono collection

Kimono collection


Next entry will be about climbing Japan’s highest mountain Fuji San. CU then!


Special thanks to: Hubertus Neidhart fromĀ Webspace Provider Network for excellent web page hosting services; Lilith Pendzich, Germany; Brandon Lamb, U.S.A.;

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