

Aug 08 2012

Nagaokakyo & Yamazaki Distillery in Hibiki

My dear old school friend Andreas Off, who has lived and worked in Japan for the past six years, recently moved to the city of Nagaokakyo, which is located between Osaka and Kyoto. Andreas hosted me for one weekend, and of course he already had a full program planned for us. First off, he informed me that Nagaokakyo was once the capital of Japan, but only for 10 years. After that Andreas took me to the city castle, followed by the town of Hibiki to show me Yamazaki distillery, which is owned by the Japanese beverage company Suntory.

Andreas and I were shocked with the great tour that Yamazaki offers for only 1000 yen! (12.10 AUD, 12.70 CAD, 8.20 GBP, 15.70 NZD, 12.80 USD) We started with a guided tour of the whole distillery, lead in Japanese with an audio guide in English. Afterwards we were seated in a restaurant and taught how to mix a high ball.  And if that wasn’t enough we got free refills for further high balls. And…. for anyone still able to taste the difference after that, they let us drink a glass of 12 years aged whiskey. But there was even more: on top of that we got t-shirts at the end!
Wow, Andreas and I had some orientation problems after leaving the distillery. Whatever… we behaved like true Germans

Enjoy the photos of this trip.

Special thanks to: Andreas Off, Cypher Zero, U.S.A. (text revision), Hubertus Neidhart from Webspace Provider Network for excellent web page hosting services; Lilith Pendzich

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