

Jul 24 2011

the seventh week

Well, all right. I was asked by some readers to make use of my tripod and to present some footage.

I’m presenting some of the challenges facing every English teacher in Japan. The biggest seems obviously to be to convey the Japanese people the difference between ‘L’ and ‘R’. Even more difficult is it to teach them the correct pronunciation. Hey what a fun job! Even my name causes them trouble. Either I’m called Dshimon or Shimon. But a regular ‘s’ does not exist in the Japanese language.

I’m not only an English teacher here by the way but I also look after the children. That does also mean to play with them and of course also to pay close attention so that they don’t starve because of my exhausting lessons. By the way my favourite game with the kids is ‘Simon says’.
Kirari Kids von Daaaaaaaaaaaax

Special thanks to: Hubertus Neidhart fromĀ Webspace Provider Network for excellent web page hosting services; Kuba San, Japan; Christoph Flossmann, Germany; Brandon Lamb, U.S.A.;

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